Current Location: ImLive >> FAQ


What is ImLive? An adult webcam community offering free live video chat with models in real time.

What are the benefits of signing up? Benefits include uninterrupted live video chats, access to uncensored galleries, discounted shows, recorded private shows, and more.

What are ImLive Credits? Credits are used for transactions and accessing various features on the site, with secure payment processing.

Cost of Private Video Chat? Costs vary by model, ranging from 0.98 to 5.99 credits per minute, with discounts for Platinum members.

Do I need a webcam to video chat? A webcam is not required but recommended for a better experience.

How is my privacy protected? Privacy is ensured in private chats; only your username is visible to the model.

Who to contact for more help? Customer Service is available for additional support and questions.

What does “Membership Status” mean? Membership status depends on credit purchase and spend, offering access to various benefits and rewards.

What is ImLive’s Rewards Program? The program offers exclusive benefits for adding credits, with different levels like Bronze, Silver, Gold, and VIP.